nanoboys creating news

If you have been following the news in kerala, currently a hot topic is the nanotechnology that our Arunkumar VS ( vepraalam) and his brother have been experimenting in. They have laid claim to "hundreds of patents" for their pathbreaking technology. But is this the real thing or just another scam??
check out the following link:

Also check out the blog on their activities:

So, what do you think ?


Anonymous said…
U need a clean room facility, electron lithography setup and electron microscope to fabricate nanostructures ! Their claim is, no dobut, is fake ! Remember, u can not view a substance of nanometer size using naked eyes - it requires the electron microscope, which costs nearly 1-2 Crores ! Anyone can give a press metting provided u pay the required sum at the press culb. They never check the autheticity of the claims. Except the science editor of 'Frontline' magazine, no one will ask for proofs to such claims.

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