JK starts churning out publications...

American Journal of Men's Health 2008, doi:10.1177/1557988307313918
© 2008 SAGE Publications

Prevention of Prostate Cancer: What We Know and Where We Are Going.

Jayakrishnan Jayachandran, MD* and Stephen J. Freedland, MD

Duke University School of Medicine

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: jayakrishnan.jayachandran@duke.edu.

As one of the most prevalent cancers, prostate cancer has enormous public health importance and its prevention seems to be a rational approach to attenuate the economic, emotional, physical, and social impact of this disease. This review discusses some of the options available to clinicians worldwide under the broad headings of chemoprevention and dietary modification including lifestyle issues. From the review of available literature, it is appreciated that although many exciting options such as androgen inhibitors, vitamin E, and selenium are being actively considered, they are far from being included in clinical practice. So until large randomized trials confirm the benefit of chemopreventives and dietary modifications, patients may be advised to pursue a diet and lifestyle that ensures overall fitness.


Prathibha said…
Grief at jayakri's sudden demise

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